Planting Cannabis on the Kitchen Roof, Farmers in Tapteng Arrested by Police

MEDAN - A farmer with the initials SM (36), a resident of Anggoli Village, Central Tapanuli Regency (Tapteng), North Sumatra was arrested by the police for planting marijuana on the roof of his house's kitchen.

Head of Public Relations of the Tapteng Police, AKP Horas Gurning, said that SM's arrest began with public information. An investigation was carried out.

"While conducting surveillance, the officers saw a man whose characteristics matched the information and immediately took him into custody", said AKP Horas, Wednesday, October 26.

When arrested, the police did not find narcotics in the hands of the perpetrators. However, the perpetrator admitted to growing marijuana on the roof of his kitchen.

"Officers immediately took the perpetrator to the back of his house. Sure enough, on the roof of the perpetrator's kitchen, there were growing marijuana plants in a black polybag. Then the officers secured the items in the form of 5 marijuana plants", he explained.

When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted that the marijuana plant belonged to him. The marijuana was obtained by SM when he bought 1 ampoule of dried marijuana in Batang Toru, South Tapanuli Regency.

"So from the cannabis that was purchased, there were seeds. Then those were planted in polybags and grew. When they were secured, 5 stems were about an inch in size", he said.

AKP Horas said that his party was still investigating the motives of the perpetrators growing their own marijuana.

"He admits that marijuana is for personal consumption. But we are still exploring that", he said.

Currently, the perpetrator and the evidence have been secured at the Sibabangun Police Station and subsequently transferred to the Central Tapanuli Police Narcotics Investigation Unit for further legal proceedings.

"The perpetrators of SM will be snared according to Law No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics", he said.