Instagram Account Of Candidate Walkot Makassar Danny Pomanto, Deng Ical, Appi-None Limpo Is Disabled, What Happened?
MAKASSAR - All Instagram accounts of the prospective Makassar mayor are disabled. What happened?
The KPU of Makassar City explained that all campaign activities for the Makassar Pilkada had ended as of December 5. The quiet period began on Sunday, December 6, because the official accounts of candidates in the Makassar Pilkada had to be deactivated.
The Makassar KPU mentioned KPU Regulation Number 4 of 2017 concerning the Election of Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents. Article 50 states, Political Parties or Combinations of Political Parties, Candidate Pairs and / or Campaign Teams must close official accounts on social media no later than 1 (one) day after the campaign period ends.
"Indeed, all campaign accounts have to be closed because it has entered the quiet day period, all social media used by the campaign are closed," said the Coordinator of the Community Participation and Human Resources (HR) Division of KPU Makassar Endang Sari, contacted by VOI, Sunday, December 6.
The KPU emphasized that during the quiet period starting on Sunday 6 December at 00.00 WIB until December 8, all official social media accounts belonging to the candidate pair must be closed. This was done to ensure that there was no campaign element during the calm period before voting, Wednesday, December 9.
"The rule is a campaign during the calm period, the calm period is on the 6th, 7th, 8th, and December. So the campaign deadline is until the 5th yesterday," he said.
The candidates who competed in the Makassar Pilkada are:
1. Irman Yasin Limpo-Andi Zunnun Armin Nurdin Halid
2. Moh Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi
3. Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando
4. Syamsu Rizal MI-Fadli Ananda