More Regional Heads Are Affected By COVID-19, This Time The Regent Of Cilacap

CILACAP - Cilacap Regent Tatto Suwarto Pamuji stated that he was positive for COVID-19. These results are based on the examination received, Saturday, December 5.

The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Cilacap Regency stated that the Cilacap Regent was only experiencing mild symptoms so he would carry out independent isolation.

"To the people who have been in close contact with me since Wednesday, December 2, 2020 until today, please report to the Health Office," said Tatto, quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 6.

Head of the Cilacap Regency Communication and Information Office, Wijaya, confirmed that Cilacap Regent Tatto Suwarto was confirmed to have COVID-19.

"That's right, the Regent is positive for COVID-19, the results came out yesterday and is currently in independent quarantine, (but) it is still in the pavilion," he said.

Wijaya added that in the past week the Regent has carried out various official activities.

Meanwhile, Head of the Cilacap District Health Office, Pramesti Griana Dewi, said that the agency was recording people who had had close contact with the Cilacap Regent.

The Health Office, according to him, has carried out tests to detect the transmission of COVID-19 to Tatto's family members who have had close contact with him.

"The plan is that tomorrow Tuesday (8/12) there will be a mass swab (swab) in the pavilion for those who have close contact with him during a visit by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) on Friday (4/12)," he said.

According to district government data, as of Sunday, December 6 at 14.53 WIB the accumulated number of Cilacap Regency residents who have been stricken with COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic until now is 2,238 people with details of 1,459 people who have been declared cured, 63 people died, and 716 people are still being treated .