These Are The 10 Countries With The Fastest Internet In The World, Indonesia Ranking How Much?

YOGYAKARTA Speedtest Global Index released a list of countries with the fastest internet in the world. Is Indonesia included in it?

Please note, Speedtes Global Index is an internet speed gauge service. They released a report for September 2022 regarding the mobile internet speed rating in 139 countries.

10 Countries with the Fastest Internet in the World

Quoted by VOI from the official Speedtest website, Friday, October 21, 2022, the country with the fastest internet in the world is still dominated by Middle Eastern and European countries.

Norway ranks first as the country with the fastest mobile internet network in the world in September 2022. The speed of mobile internet in this country reaches 126.94 megabits per second (Mbps).

The second position is inhabited by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with a mobile internet network of 126.85 Mbps and 116.42 Mbps.

The third and fourth rank is occupied by Qatar and China with internet speeds of 124.29 Mbps and 116.42 Mbps, respectively.

Followed by the Netherlands with internet network speeds of 105.52 Mbps. Below the Netherlands, there is Denmark with a mobile internet network of 105.4 Mbps.

Furthermore, South Korea has a mobile internet network speed of 104.81 Mbps.

Bulgria occupied eighth place with a car internet speed of 103.9 Mbps.

The ninth and tenth ranks are occupied by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait with internet speeds of 97.15 Mbps and 95.04 Mbps, respectively.

In more detail, here is a list of 10 countries with the fastest mobile internet in the world:

As for the speed of the mobile internet network in Indonesia, it is only 16.65 Mbps. According to Speedtest Global Index, Indonesia is ranked 110th globally. In fact, internet speed in Indonesia is still inferior to Ivory Coast with 16.89 Mbps.

While countries with the fastest broadband internet speeds in the world are as follows:

The 10 fastest internet countries in Asia

Still according to Speedtest, the title of the country with the fastest internet in Asia is held by the United Arab Emirates.

In a report released in September 2022, the speed of mobile internet networks in the UAE reached 126.85 Mbps megabite per second (Mbps).

The second position is occupied by Qatar with a mobile internet network speed of 124.9 Mbps.

Di bawahnya ada China dan Korea Selatan dengan kecepatan internet masing-masing 116,42 Mbps dan 104,81 Mbps.

The fifth position is occupied by Saudi Arabia with 97.15 Mbps. Next, there is Kuwait with 95.04 Mbps.

The seventh rank is occupied by Brunei Darussalam with a mobile internet speed of 90.45 Mbps. Followed by Bahrain with a car internet speed of 83.13 Mbps.

Singapore is ranked ninth in the country in Asia with the fastest car internet. The speed of the mobile internet in Singapore reaches 75.99 Mbps.

While the tenth position is occupied by Taiwan with a car internet speed of 62.32 Mbps.

In more detail, here are the 10 countries with the highest mobile internet speed in Asia:

That's the information about countries with the fastest internet in the world and Asia. May it be useful!