General Andika Make Sure The TNI Has Prepared 42 VVIP Task Forces For State Head Security At The G20 Summit

The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa deployed 18,030 joint personnel to secure heads of state and at the level of heads of state at the G20 Summit on November 15-16 in Bali.

"In general, the personnel we have prepared, so according to our duties as VVIP safeguards, we have prepared a total of around 18,030 personnel," Andika said at the #G20Updates Press Conference, monitored from the Kemkominfo TV YouTube channel, in Jakarta, Thursday, October 20, quoted from Antara.

Details of the number of personnel, namely around 3,200 personnel from the National Police, 492 personnel from other institutions, and around 14,300 personnel from the TNI.

Andika explained that there are various task forces (tasks) in the context of securing the G20, such as the VVIP security task force in charge of attaching to the head of state.

"We have prepared up to 42 (head of state). This is to maintain all possibilities. If everyone is present, then we are ready, because the preparation cannot be done suddenly. So, from a long time ago we have prepared security packages for 42 heads of state or at the level of the head of state," said Andika.

In addition to preparing personnel to provide security for the head of state, Andika said that his party had also communicated with each guest country which would bring its own security forces to their respective heads of state.

"Each country also has its own safety team. Some are attached to the head of the country, such as the presidential security force. We accommodate all of that," he said.

Andika wants the heads of state to be present in Bali with a comfortable feeling and confidence in the security obtained.

"They also have SOPs and specific needs, which may not be standard, and that's what I've confirmed so far," said Andika.

The G20 is a global forum consisting of 19 countries and one region with 80 percent contribution to the world's gross domestic product (GDP), 75 percent of international trade, and 60 percent of the world's population.