As Many As 400 Demo Workers At The DKI Governor's Office For The Port Of KCN Marunda Are Reopened

As many as 400 workers who were victims of the closure of KCN Marunda Port, North Jakarta, rallied at the office of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Wednesday, October 19.They urged Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono to reopen the KCN Port which was closed by the Environmental Service, causing thousands of people to become unemployed.Carrying banners and posters containing demands, representatives of the demonstrators conducted speeches alternately. They admitted that they suffered greatly from the closure of this port. The necessities of life, ranging from school fees for children, rented houses, eating, and others are not able to be met because they are now unemployed."We have come here to convey our complaints and demands to Mr. Heru Budi Hartono as the Acting Governor, so that the Port of KCN Marunda is reopened. We suffer because we cannot work and meet the needs of our family's life," said Fudiyanpo Kamin, Coordinator of Port Services Users (Penjaspel), to reporters at the protest site.According to him, the actions of the Environment Agency which unilaterally closes the KCN Port do not think about the fate of the workers."Hopefully with this peaceful action, the DKI Provincial Government can immediately take steps to restore ports," he said.On that occasion, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government responded, by accepting a number of representatives of the demonstrators. They also accommodated complaints and promised to follow up on the demands of the protesters."We, from representatives of protesters, were received by the Head of Kesbangpol DKI, Mr. Taufan Bakri. He promised to follow up on the issue of closing this port, and also conveyed to the Acting Governor, Mr. Heru Budi Hartono," said Fudiyanpo.As is known, thousands of people have been unemployed due to the revocation of the loading and unloading of the port terminal of Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN), North Jakarta, since June 2022. This was conveyed by the Coordinator of the Munif port service (Penjaspel)."It's been three months, and we as a shipping, trucking business, loading and unloading workers, heavy equipment rental businesses, have been greatly affected. We have even returned many employees because we can't afford to pay honorariums anymore. Ship queues also occur, some even wait 15 days for the dock," said Munif.Munif said, KCN has met almost all administrative requirements from the Environment Agency (DLH). However, until now the revocation of the business is still valid."But, after now the requirements are met, and already 95 percent, because there is only a shortage of walls, why (DLH) still doesn't give permission again so that the KCN terminal can operate," said Munif.The results of observations in the field show that other ports adjacent to KCN are still operating to dismantle coal until now. However, the KCN port, which has been concessioned and its shares are owned by the state through PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (BKN), was not even given the opportunity to clean up and revoke its environmental permit.He admitted that he was surprised by this problem. "KCN is a company whose shares are also owned by the DKI Jakarta Regional Government (via KBN), why did the LH Service revoke the permit, not foster it," he said.