Fulfilling The Examination Call, Ahmad Yani: Fear Of Framing Activists WE Are Afraid To Come

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE) Ahmad Yani has fulfilled the second summons for questioning regarding the alleged spread of hate speech with suspect Anton Permana. Although his body condition was not fit after being sick.

"I'm afraid there will be framing, how come OUR activists are afraid to come again. Yesterday I was looking for unclear reasons. Therefore I forced myself to come," Ahmad Yani told reporters, Friday, December 4.

Yani completely left it to the investigators whether to take his statement or not. The most important thing for him is to fulfill his obligations as a good citizen and obey the law.

Meanwhile, regarding the matter of the examination, Yani admitted that he did not know. However, referring to the summons for investigation, Ahmad Yani will be questioned about his relationship with Anton Permana.

But Yani admits that he doesn't really know Anton. The two of them just communicated when they were going to declare US at the Heroes Cemetery, Kalibata, South Jakarta.

"To what extent I know Anton, I do not know Anton very well. I knew Anton just before the OUR declaration," he said.

Previously, Ahmad Yani did not fulfill the summons for investigation regarding cases of alleged hate speech and incitement on social media. Ahmad Yani was due to be examined as a witness to the development of suspect Anton Permana, on November 3.

A member of Ahmad Yani's team of lawyers, Maj. Gen. TNI (ret.) Syamsu Djalal said that his client's absence was due to the unclear summons sent by investigators.

"Please correct the police summons, he is a witness, whether the witness is not clear, what case and who is the suspect, that's why we came here," said Djalal to reporters, Tuesday, November 3.

Djalal hopes that the summons against Ahmad Yani will be corrected. "If we want to check now, I don't understand. That's why we are here to convey this," he said.