Benefits Of Warming And Cooling In Sports, Watch Out! Don't Care About These Two If You Don't Want To Be Cool Later

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been told to warm up and cool down while exercising by your teacher? So what are the benefits of warming and cooling?

Although it has been truly fundamental and widely known, heating and cooling in sports are often forgotten. However, these two things are as important as the core of the sport itself, you know!

Heating is recommended to be carried out before the body is invited to exercise. Unfortunately, it is rare for people to want to apply this good tradition. Heating is needed to help prepare the body before carrying out activities that tend to be heavy. The movements carried out in heating or cooling can help increase maximum flexibility or muscle flexibility to prevent muscle injury. To be clearer, let's see how important it is to warm up and cool down in the sport!

The Importance of Warming up in Sports

Warming up is done at least 5-10 minutes before exercising. The movement that is done even tends to be slow, easy, and fixed. One thing that should be carried out during warm-up is muscle stretching, to make muscles more elastic and flexible.

Then, pre-exerting warm-up is also useful for increasing body temperature, blood flow, and heart rate. The concrete is that these things are needed to prepare the performance of the heart and blood vessels. In fact, this can also help reduce the risk of cramps, injuries, and soreness in the muscles after exercise.

While important, keep in mind not to overheat up. The reason is, excessive heating can even cause joint injuries. Then, excessive heating can even consume energy and make exercise not on target.

The Importance of Cooling in Sports

Cooling is also one of the things that is most often forgotten. Although, in a series of sports, cooling or cooling down is the same thing that is important with heating. Cooling is often forgotten because a person is generally too tired and feels lazy to work on it.

If the warm-up is done to prepare the body before exercising, therefore cooling also has its own role. Running cooling after exercise aims to help restore the body's original state. Then, cooling is also important to prevent injury and soreness after exercise.

When exercising, the body muscles will experience changes and feel warm because of the movement and speed they work on. Well, this is what cooling is needed. Cooling can help increase the range of muscle movement. The goal is to avoid tearing or injury to muscle components.

Similar to warming up, running cooling after exercise should not be done carelessly. Cooling should be done with a soft system, avoiding carrying out the same weight movement, such as jumping or other faster movements. Don't forget to control your breath from heating, exercising, to cooling.

Based on research, the ideal breathing technique when cooling can improve the performance of sports. Regulated to carry out warm-up before exercise and cooling after exercise evidence is never in vain. People who run it correctly are said to have a lower risk of sporting injury than those who do not implement it.

So after knowing the benefits of warming and cooling, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!