Minister Teten Calls The Importance Of Accelerating Cooperative Ecosystems And MSMEs

SOLO - Indonesian Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki mentioned the importance of accelerating the program for developing cooperative and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) ecosystems, one of which is increasing business partnerships between MSMEs and large businesses.

"Until now, 93 percent of micro and small businesses have not formed partnerships with large businesses," said Teten, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 14.

In addition, what needs to be done is to increase business capacity and access to financing considering that currently access to financing is still quite difficult for MSMEs.

Therefore, he said, there needs to be support and collaboration from all partners to overcome these challenges.

Related to this, he said, access to financing for cooperatives and MSMEs will be enlarged with a target of 30 percent of bank credit for MSME players.

"Indeed, there is a KUR of Rp. 100 million without collateral. However, the practice in the field is still difficult," he said.

Therefore, his party asked banks to change their credit approach, namely from collateral to business feasibility. In addition, it must also be implemented with a digital system in assessing the performance of MSMEs so as to make it easier for credit scoring MSMEs.

On the other hand, he encourages MSME financial reports with a digital system considering that so far there are still many MSMEs with family financial reporting models. By equally implementing the digital system, there will be violence between MSMEs and banks.

"We also encourage MSMEs to have a business plan to make it easier for investors to enter, in addition to making it easier for banks to channel credit. Currently we have built an East Smesco Hub in Bali to develop the MSME product market in Eastern Indonesia," he said.

Another acceleration program is to provide ease of licensing from informal to formal, including a distribution permit for MSME products from the POM.

"It is hoped that this step can maximize potential output so that economic growth can return sustainably," he said.