PGN Announces The Winner Of Jargas Promotion In The Gas Kita Kitchen Surgery Program Period II And III

JAKARTA - Pertamina Gas Subholding, PT PGN Tbk, announced the draw for the Gaskita Kitchen Surgery Program Periods 2 and 3 (August and September 2022) with prizes for kitchen renovation packages worth IDR 40 million each. In the 2nd and 3rd periods, 2,122 registrants won by Ibnu Hani with registration numbers 22080030343 and Pristi Ishmah Nuan with registration numbers 22090040310.The Gas Kita Kitchen Surgery program is a promotional program for prospective customers who are interested in installing a household natural gas network and is followed by people in the penetration area of the construction of the PGN 400.000 house connection (SR) jargas.The winner of the Gaskita Kitchen Surgery was drawn online and also attended by representatives of PGN management, representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and Notaries. Like the winner in the first period, the winner will get a natural, simple, functional, and natural kitchen renovation package even though it uses natural gas pipeline installations."PGN would like to express its gratitude for the enthusiasm of the public to register to subscribe to gas and participate in the Gas Kita Kitchen Surgery lottery. Even though this program is over, PGN is still enthusiastic about inviting the public to use Gas Kita by registering for a subscription via the website," said PGN's Director of Sales and Operations, Faris Aziz, Thursday, October 13.PGN is gradually continuing to increase the household gas network in order to help the government achieve the target of 4 million SR by 2024. In 2022, PGN will carry out gas network development of 400,000 SR with PGN's internal investment scheme. In addition to intensifying self-investment, PGN is also exploring cooperation with partners such as BUMD and developers."The task force can be an energy choice for people who are practical, environmentally friendly, and people can survive to spend energy costs per month from 20 to 30 percent," said Faris.Faris continued that jargas comes from natural gas in Indonesia and does not depend on energy imports, so that it can be independent in energy and obtain price stability in the long term. Not only household gas, the more natural gas value can also be enjoyed by small customers/MSMEs and industrial commercial.Therefore, PGN hopes that the government and all stakeholders will provide full support in an effort to expand the utility of natural gas in the community.