700 Laskar Islamic Guerrilla Unified Forum Seeks Votes For Akhyar Nasution In The Medan Regional Election

MEDAN - Chairman of the DPD Medan City United Islamic Forum (FIB), Amri Nasution instructed all his troops to win the pair of candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi.

"I have instructed the 700 FIB laskar to look for 10 people per 1 laskar. So 7 thousand votes will vote for Mr. Akhyar on December 9, 2020," Amri Nasution told Akhyar at the inauguration of the AMAN FIB Command Post, Medan, quoted from a written statement, Thursday, 3 December.

A similar sentiment was also conveyed by the Head of the DPP FIB, Ustadz Zulkifli Rangkuti to Akhyar. Zulkifli said the United Islamic Forum continued to move based on the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

"We are not a radical mass organization. Our mass organizations really love the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, have the ideology of Pancasila and we still uphold all existing laws in Indonesia. So if there are things that see us as radical, that is a skeptical view," said Zulkifli.

Regarding politics, according to him, FIB chose to support Akhyar-Salman. FIB hopes that the Medan Pilkada will remain safe and peaceful.

"We hope to be elected and hopefully we will not abstain from voting. God willing, we will be able to maintain the conduciveness of Medan City and we will participate in monitoring all sub-districts to monitor all PPK to make this Pilkada a success," said Zulkifli.

Meanwhile Akhyar Nasution expressed his appreciation for the support given. He hopes that FIB can play a role in Medan for the progress of the city.

"Thank you for your support. As a class-based mass organization, Medan City currently needs community movements which are indeed unscrupulous," said Akhyar.