5 Causes Of Experiencing Krams After Integrated Husbands

YOGYAKARTA Kram before, during, or after a husband and wife relationship is called dispareunia. The cause can be triggered by many factors. While the cramps experienced after making love, are common to men and women. So, what causes pain and discomfort after the activities of husband and wife?

Kram after a husband and wife relationship, can be due to mild muscle tensions to other conditions that require treatment. A person who has constant or severe cramps after sex, must consult a doctor. For general causes that can be experienced by men and women, here, reports Medical News Today, Wednesday, October 12.

Similar when exercising, tensions in the pelvic and stomach muscles during sex can sometimes cause cramps. In addition to tense muscles, dehydration and wrong position muscles can also trigger cramps. Kram after a husband and wife relationship caused by this light trigger will usually disappear for a few minutes.

Not much to know, it turns out that orgasm can also cause cramps. At the time of orgasm, the muscles in the pelvic and pelvic floor are tightening. If an unintentional contraction occurs, it can cause temporary cramps after sex.

A problematic digestive system can be associated with pain in certain parts after sex. This can cause stomach cramps that occur due to constipation and gas that accumulate. Other gut problems such as intestinal irritation, can also cause cramps.

A problematic bladder or urinary system can trigger sex to be no longer comfortable. Pain will arise especially when experiencing irritation. Because it is located right in front of the uterus, it has a large effect on penetration activity. This is called an infection of the urinary tract or interstitial systitis, which causes pain due to the pelvis and urinary tract being suppressed.

Some sexually transmitted infections (IMS), especially the climedia and gonorrhea, can cause stomach cramps including after sexual intercourse. Many STIs do not cause any symptoms, so they need to self-test regularly. Some STIs are recognized for their symptoms through the discharge of fluid from the penis or vagina, and feel pain when urinating.

In addition to the five factors that cause cramps after the husband and wife's relationship above, psychological conditions also affect. When a person experiences it, it is necessary to evaluate the presence of emotional trauma. Sometimes, past emotional trauma can manifest in physical discomfort or pain during and after sexual intercourse. In addition, stressor and daily anxiety can accumulate so as to cause tension or muscle cramps.