Expert Staff Of The Minister Of Finance: Implementation Of NIK Becomes NPWP Will Expand The Tax Database

JAKARTA - Expert Staff to the Minister of Finance for Tax Supervision, Nufransa Wira Sakti, said that the application of the population identification number (NIK) to the taxpayer's main number (NPWP) would expand the tax database through recording economic transactions.<quo; All transactions using NIK are expected to be recorded. So it's easier for us to compare tax reporting and payments by taxpayers,” he said in the Cermati Podcast which was monitored in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 11.He said that currently many economic activities were carried out without being recorded, including taxpayer transactions with foreign banks, making it difficult to supervise tax payments.By integrating the NIK into NPWP, the government can find out in more detail about the economic activities carried out by the community, including total expenditures in one month that can be compared to tax reporting.<quo;So it can be seen how much people spend. If it seems that the expenses are large but the tax payments are insufficient, there may be an unreported income, this is what is monitored, ” he said.Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are also encouraged to record their transactions to facilitate supervision.Frans said that the integration of NIK with NPWP is expected to produce public data with better standards, for example related to the writing of people's names and addresses.“ For example, identity data on ID cards is sometimes different from the actual address due to a home number error. This will interfere with tax supervision because officers have difficulty finding the taxpayer's house in question,” he said.The integration of NIK into NPWP is expected to expand the government's tax base after the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) is carried out.PPS which was run from January to June 2022 shows that PPS participants are no longer only the community and business actors, but also the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), TNI, and Polri.“ This means that PPS shows that we already have more data than the previous one so that we can collect data on economic activities from anyone, no longer looking at their social status and positions,” he said.