Good News! The Ministry Of Religion Said That The Allowance For Non-civil Servant Madrasah Teachers Could Be Disbursed Starting Today

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Religion, Anna Hasbie, said that the incentive allowance for non-civil servant madrasa teachers (PNS) could be disbursed as of Monday."Alhamdulillah, after going through the administrative process, the incentive allowance for madrasa teachers, not civil servants, starting today, can be disbursed," said Anna in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, October 10.Anna said the incentive allowance for madrasas teachers was given in full for 12 months with a monthly disbursement of Rp. 250 thousand and deducted taxes in accordance with applicable regulations.Non-PNS madrasa teachers can check this disbursement info through their respective Educators and Education Personnel Information System (SIMPATICA) accounts.Meanwhile, the Director of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) of Madrasah Muhammad Zain explained that there are a number of requirements that must be prepared to disburse the allowance.The requirement is that a madrasa teacher who is not a civil servant must show an ID card, bring a certificate entitled to receive incentive allowances printed from SIMPATICA, and bring a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) which was downloaded from SIMPATICA."After the complete requirements, the teachers can come to the nearest Bank Mandiri to carry out the disbursement process," said Zain.Zain took advantage of this incentive to be given to non-PNS teachers at Raudlatul Atthfal (RA), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA).This incentive, said Zain, is a form of state recognition for teachers who have been dedicated in educating the nation's children. He hopes that this allowance can motivate non-civil servant madrasa teachers to perform more in improving the quality and services of education."Their bodies are very large in improving the quality of the teaching and learning process and the achievements of students in madrasas at all levels," said Zain.However, due to budget constraints, Zain said that incentives were given to non-civil servant madrasa teachers who met the criteria and in accordance with the availability of quotas for each province.The criteria are to actively teach at RA, MI, MTs or MA/MAK and be registered in the SIMPATICA program, have not passed the certification program, have a PTK Number of the Ministry of Religion (NPK) and/or a Unique Educator and Education Personnel Number (NUPTK), teachers who teach the underlying administration unit of the Ministry of Religion.Then, meet the academic qualifications of the S-1 or D-IV, meet the workload of at least 6 hours face-to-face in the satminal, not recipients of similar assistance whose funds are sourced from the DIPA of the Ministry of Religion, not yet retired (60 years old).Furthermore, not changing status from RA and Madrasah teachers, not being bound as permanent staff to agencies other than RA/Madrasah, and not holding concurrent positions in executive, judicial, or legislative institutions."The priority is for teachers whose service period is longer and this is evidenced by the Old Mengabdi Certificate," said Zain.