Police Deliver Summons To Rizieq Shihab, Petamburan Confusion

JAKARTA - A number of Polda Metro Jaya investigators delivered a summons to the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab. However, the arrival of the investigators turned into a riot because there were a number of masses who tried to block them.

This incident began when a number of Polda Metro Jaya investigators delivered a summons for Rizieq Shihab to his residence on Jalan Petamburan III, Central Jakarta.

Initially, the Polda Metro Jaya investigators left Rizieq's residence and came back to visit the house of the high priest of the FPI.

However, at around 13.00 WIB they returned to Rizieq's residence. However, the investigators at that time were prevented by the FPI troops on guard at the location. They asked the police investigators to wait first, while coordinating with Rizieq's family and lawyer.

Knowing these conditions, the investigators negotiated with the paramilitary troops who were guarding them. But found no bright spot.

"We only want to deliver summons. After that we go home," said one of the PMJ investigators, Kompol Fadillah at the scene, Wednesday, December 2.

Even though they had been told the purpose of the investigators' arrival, the laskar representative asked the police to leave the location temporarily while waiting for confirmation from the lawyer. At that time, the crowd then came to the location.

Next, the crowd swore cursed and teased the police investigators. Not wanting to get into a scene, the police chose to leave the location.

However, residents and a number of unidentified persons, suspected of being laskar, continued to curse at the authorities. In addition, they also intimidate the reporters who cover it.

The situation got hotter when the crowd shouted at the police and prevented journalists from following along Jalan Raya KS Tubun.

Previously reported, Rizieq Shihab did not fulfill the summons for examination as a witness in the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) today. The reason is that Rizieq Shihab is still tired.

"We are not sure but he still needs rest, tired," said FPI attorney Ichwan Tuankotta to reporters, Tuesday, December 1.

The status of the case for alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) for the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter has been upgraded from investigation to investigation.

Based on the title of the case, the police found an alleged violation of Law number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Currently investigators are gathering evidence that supports the alleged violation.

Investigators are looking for evidence by examining a number of witnesses. Therefore, tomorrow the Polda Metro Jaya will examine Rizieq Shihab, his son-in-law Irfan Alaydrus and the FPI Legal Division.