Religion And Politics Must Be Separated, Gatot Nurmantyo: There Are Deviations

JAKARTA - The Presidium of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE), Gatot Nurmantyo, said that the opinion that religion and politics should be separated is a mistake or a deviation.

"Right now, we see that there are deviations. It says religion should not be involved in politics. Remember Article 29 Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution states that a country is based on the one and only God," said Gatot in the 212 Reunion program broadcast by Youtube Front TV, Wednesday, 2 November.

Therefore, Gatot considered the moral revolution echoed by the FPI leader, Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, was a movement that practiced the values of Pancasila, namely the one and only Godhead.

"The moral revolution conveyed by Habib Rizieq is basically using the Pancasila analysis knife. This is something very strong that has been echoed so far," said Gatot.

According to Gatot, Rizieq's version of the moral revolution is a movement capable of correcting these deviations. He said, there were still injustices committed by the current government.

Gatot took an example of the handling of cases of health violations in the form of crowds at the Prophet's birthday event held by FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab. He asked the government to be fair by examining all perpetrators of violations of health protocols.

"Regarding the examination of Habib Rizieq, if this country is indeed just and truly civilized, then check all the gathering of people," said Gatot.

Likewise, FPI leader Rizieq Shihab also said that Pancasila has the spirit or spirit of morals taught by the Prophet Muhammad that has been contained in the five existing precepts.

"The spirit of morality taught by the prophet turns out to be part of the foundations of Indonesia. Its name is Pancasila. If we study the first to fifth precepts, it is the spirit of morality," said Rizieq.

According to him, the first precept which reads 'The Almighty Godhead', according to him, can be interpreted as a concept containing divinity that motivates all Indonesians to carry out the life of the nation and state.

In addition, in the context of this first principle, people are obliged to uphold divine values in their daily lives.

"So this is an extraordinary moral spirit," he said.