Five FIFA Plans For Indonesia, Erick Thohir: We Face It, We Overcome

JAKARTA - Former Inter Milan President Erick Thohir who is now the Minister of SOEs has become an important figure in overcoming the national football problem after the tragedy of the Malang Court which killed up to 131 people.Thanks to his work and experience in the international sports arena, President Joko Widodo entrusted Erick Thohir to meet the President of the World Football Federation (FIFA), Gianni Infantino, Wednesday 5 October in Doha, Qatar. Erick Thohir was asked to submit a letter from the number one person in Indonesia.Erick Thohir said that before meeting and discussing with the President of FIFA, he also contacted sports stakeholders in other countries."When I discussed with FIFA I called the Minister of Youth and Sports, I called the chairman of PSSI and even Mr. Mahfud MD, I also called. Because most importantly, the government must be present to solve these problems, but don't clash with FIFA rules," said Erick, in his statement, Sunday 9 October.Erick explained that FIFA provides an alternative to solving the problem of football in Indonesia, and sanctions are not an option."If you look at the letter which was broadcast yesterday by Mr. President Jokowi, it is clear that FIFA will provide alternatives in addition to giving sanctions. So FIFA does not impose sanctions, but there are 5 points that must be done together," said Erick.FIFA together with the government, said Erick, and also AFC and PSSI will transform Indonesian football."During this transformation period, FIFA will have an office in Indonesia," he added.The five joint activities formulated by FIFA are, first, re-uditing football fields or football stadiums that are suitable for use and that are not yet suitable. For stadiums that are not yet suitable for use, will be repaired or renovated.In the context of this stadium, there are rules that separate the course of arrival of players and spectators. So, the arrival of the audience and the arrival of the players should not be mixed or one. Because, players must be protected, the audience must be protected."Secondly, FIFA and the Indonesian government must transfer all legal instruments to comply with the rules that have been agreed upon by the world in the care or assistance of football matches, both during matches and after matches," said Erick.Third, supporters must be part of the transformation. Because, supporters must also be sporty, not blaming each other. With the socialization and participation of supporters and football club, it is hoped that the Indonesian football ecosystem can be better."Imagine if Indonesia is sanctioned for 5-8 years, Indonesian football may collapse. This is why we take care of why all stakeholders must both want to transform, that's just point number 3. Supporters must enter data base, must be involved, the owners' clubs must also be involved," said Erick.Fourth, set the match schedule. FIFA sees that the match schedule must be completed when public transportation is still operating. Because if there are no public transportation at the end of the match, it will cause a crowd that triggers a feud.Erick, who is also in a media background, realizes that this is not very profitable for television because football matches that attract a lot of viewers cannot air on prime time."Maybe the television world will scream," he said.The last point, the fifth is about expert assistance for the transformation of football in this country."The transformation team that will be formed will later be discussed between the President of FIFA and President Jokowi, where the President of FIFA will come to Indonesia on October 18," he said.