BNPT: Campus Is A Place Targeted By Radical Groups To Spread Ideology

JAKARTA - The head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Boy Rafli Amar hopes that universities, with their academics, will actively raise awareness of the spread of intolerant radicalism and provide digital literacy learning to students and generations in the campus environment and society.

"This is important as an effort to protect students and the young generation from the spread of intolerant radicalism," said Boy Rafli in a BNPT release received, reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 2.

Speaking at the BNPT RI National Gathering with the Muhammadiyah North Sumatra Regional Leaders and the North Sumatra Muhammadiyah University (UMSU) Academic Community in Medan, Tuesday, December 1, Boy stated that the campus as a learning center for the younger generation is one of the places most targeted by intolerant radical groups to spread their ideology. .

"Therefore, with all the available resources, we are confident and optimistic that the educators at UMSU can participate in saving the young generation in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). One of them is with community service activities that can continue to raise awareness about the spread of intolerant radicalism and digital literacy, "said Boy.

He added, as a center of excellence in North Sumatra, UMSU can provide learning on the strengthening of Islam washatiyah, always preaching to build Ukhuwah Islamiyah and Ukhuwah Wathoniyah as well as Ukhuwah Bashariah.

This is certainly very helpful in saving the young generation and society, especially since UMSU has around 22 thousand students as well as their families.

"They are the future of the Indonesian nation. "Of course we go around this to convey messages that we must save them from the influence of the group which to this day continues to carry out intolerant radical propaganda and then recruits these young people," said Boy.

In historical records, said the former Banten and Papua Police Chief, suicide bombers were generally teenagers aged 18-23 years.

They are used by their "mentors" who are tasked with guiding (brainwashing) and giving certain targets to those they perceive as enemies.

"Who is considered the enemy? Those who are considered to be hindering the activities and intentions of the intolerant radical group to establish an Islamic state. They consider NKRI because basically the 1945 Constitution is considered inconsistent with their mission, so government officials are among the targets. that they exist. We know that this violence is anti-humanitarian and carried out in an uncivilized manner, "said Boy.

Therefore, the National Gathering with the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of North Sumatra and the UMSU Academic Community is expected to strengthen synergy in fighting the spread of intellectual radicalism.

UMSU Chancellor Dr Agussani MAP said UMSU played a further role in preventing radicalism on campus because it was in accordance with UMSU's Dharma Chess.

"The program to prevent radical terrorism has become part of what we insert and emphasize, both in teaching, research, community service, as well as related to Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah," said Agussani.

In the future, continued Agussani, the issues presented by the Head of BNPT will be used as study material in courses related to terrorism. In addition, UMSU will also compile a student handbook.

"The pocket book will later be able to contribute to how our young generation in the future is no longer infiltrated by radical views and how our country can focus on carrying out a dignified development process in the future," said Agussani.

Present at the Nationality Gathering were Deputy for Prevention, Protection and Deradicalization of BNPT Major General TNI Hendri Paruhuman Lubis, Director of Deradicalization Prof. Dr. Irfan Idris MA, Head of Sub-Directorate for Counter Propaganda Colonel Pas Drs Sujatmiko, Chairman of North Sumatra Muhammadiyah Regional Management Prof. Dr. Hasyimsyah Nasution MA, alim North Sumatra scholars and the entire UMSU academic community.