Instagram Makin Kebikin Ketir-ketir, TikTok Akhirnya Launching Foto Mode

JAKARTA - Instagram is used to being seen copying the TikTok video format, but this time was quite surprising where TikTok finally launched a photo format like its competitor.

Dubbed Photo Mode or Photo Mode, TikTok users can now upload their photos equipped with photo captions of up to 2,200 characters.

"If you prefer to express yourself in a format other than video, we're releasing Photo Mode, a new carousel format available on mobile for ideal photo content to share high-quality images on TikTok," he said on his official blog quoted Friday, October 7.

TikTok hopes that Photo Mode can be a platform for content creators to express themselves and connect more deeply with others.

Photo Mode allows you to share a silent image carousel post that is automatically displayed one by one. You can add music to the image soundtrack, which viewers can scroll through at their own speed, TikTok said.

As thought, Photo Mode also makes the Page For You section more like Instagram with a fairly different interface.

However, the image shared to Photo Mode is not visible in the browser-based service version and can only be viewed when using the app.

Mashable's report said the feature is currently being used by content creators to share memes and other content that is often popular on Instagram.

Photo Mode will cukup akan membuat Instagram ketir-ketir, di mana sosial media milik Meta itu juga saat ini sedang berjuang melawan pasar TikTok melalui Reels-nya.

Even so, TikTok still far surpassed Instagram's Reel in their daily watch time. Launching Engadget, it's also the latest fight of any social media platform without shyly copying each other until they all look the same.

Not long ago, Twitter introduced a TikTok-style feed for full-screen videos. While YouTube Shorts, which is a TikTok clone, adds a TikTok style like a voice actor.