Pertalite And Solar Fuel Quota Plus, Pertamina: It Is Hoped That It Will Be Sufficient Until The End Of 2022
JAKARTA - The government has added a quota of pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM) and solar subsidy on October 1, 2022.
The addition of pertalite quota of 6.86 million kiloliters (KL) from the initial quota of 23.05 million KL, while for diesel fuel subsidized plus 2.73 million KL from the initial quota in 2022 as many as 15.1 million KL.
The addition of the Pertalite and Solar fuel quota was positively welcomed by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN).
As an Business Entity that has been assigned a subsidized fuel distribution assignment, this provides certainty of the availability of subsidized fuel for eligible people.
"This is of course good news for the community, there is no need to worry about the availability of Pertalite and Solar, this addition is expected to be able to meet the needs of the community until the end of 2022," said Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Irto Ginting in a statement quoted Wednesday, October 5.
Just so you know, until September 30, 2022 (unverified) the realization of subsidized diesel has reached 85.81 percent or 12.96 million KL from a quota of 15.10 million KL, while pertalite as much as 95.32 percent or 21.97 million KL from a quota of 23.05 million KL.
Previously, member of the BPH Migas Committee Saleh Abdurrahman estimated that the subsidized fuel oil (BBM) quota of the Pertalite and Solar types for 2022 could potentially run out between October and November if it does not receive an additional quota from the government immediately.
Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati emphasized that the government ensures that subsidized fuel quotas will meet the needs of the community until the end of the year.
We have assigned the Assignment Business Entity in this case are PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT AKR Corporindo to distribute fuel according to the predetermined quota. The government continues to ensure the availability of fuel for people throughout Indonesia," he stressed.
With this explanation, the government hopes that the public will no longer be worried about the quality and availability of fuel in the country.