Naked Body Found At Cemagi Beach, Bali

BADUNG - Residents of Cemagi Village, Mengwi, Badung Regency, Bali, were shocked by the discovery of the body of a naked man in the beach area.

The body is lying in a pile of wood waste on the beach, to the west of Pura Luhur Batu Ngaus, Cemagi Village, Badung, Bali.

"The body was found at around 06.00 WITA", said Head of Public Relations of the Badung Police, Iptu I Ketut Sudana, Monday, October 3.

The victim's address is known in Banjar Pengayehan, Munggu Village, Mengwi District, Badung, Bali. This body was originally found by a witness with the initials RUS when cleaning the villa yard.

"Then the witness informed the Cemagi Village Head. The village head reported the incident to the police", he added.

From the results of the identification and processing of the crime scene (TKP) by the Badung Police identification unit, there were wounds on the left cheek, left leg injuries, head injuries, and three missing lower teeth.

"Based on these characteristics, it is corroborated by the statement of the family, that the corpse is identical to the victim who left the house since Saturday, October 1, 2022, at around 09.00 WITA, at his house", he said.