The Attorney General's Office Will Still Hold Putri Candrawati After Being Delegated By The National Police

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated that it will continue the steps taken by the National Police to detain Putri Candrawati if it has been delegated or stage two. Originally, Putri Candrawati was officially detained at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police as of Friday, September 30.

"Usually if investigators arrest, the public prosecutor will definitely hold back," said the Head of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Semedana, when confirmed, Saturday, October 1.

In addition, the detention of Ferdy Sambo's wife will still be carried out on the grounds of the trial.

Moreover, in the process of examining the suspect in the premeditated murder case, Brigadier J has also been declared healthy.

"Moreover, this case has attracted attention and the person concerned has been declared healthy," said Ketut.

The National Police has officially arrested a premeditated murder suspect, Putri Candrawati, in connection with the death of Brigadier J. Putri was detained at the Police Headquarters Detention Center.

"Today, our PC brothers have stated that they have decided to be detained at the Police Headquarters Detention Center," said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Sigit said the detention of Putri Candrawati was carried out after her physical and psychological condition was declared healthy.

"Based on information from investigators, the psychological condition and health of the PC sister have been declared good," explained Sigit.