PAN Glad If PKS Joins The Coalition, KIB's Victory Is Increasing

JAKARTA - Rumors circulated that the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) would move closer to the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB). This news strengthened after PKS officials were said to have frequent meetings with Golkar Party officials. Of course, this issue rocked the plan of the PKS coalition, NasDem and Democrats which were discussed long ago. However, the coalition of the three political parties failed to form because of problems with the meeting point of understanding. Responding to the news, the National Mandate Party (PAN) was also happy that PKS finally joined Golkar. PAN assessed that PKS would further strengthen the KIB formed by Golkar and PPP. "If PKS will join Golkar, then PAN will feel happy and happy. Because automatically it will also join PAN and PPP at the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB)," said PAN Deputy Chairperson, Viva Yoga Mauladi, to VOI, Friday, September 30. "If PKS joins, it will increase the political power of KIB," he added. In addition, according to Viva, joining PKS to KIB also has the potential to increase victory over the pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates who are promoted in the 2024 presidential election. "Because there is an additional PKS constituent base to increase the KIB victory," explained Viva Yoga.

PKS itself admits that it was approached by the Golkar Party in the midst of the planned coalition with NasDem and Democrats. However, the PKS spokesman, M Kholid, emphasized that his party was still finalizing the coalition plan with NasDem and Democrats.

"I want to clarify, it's as if PKS is approaching Golkar, but it's factual, Golkar is trying to open communication to PKS," said Kholid.

According to him, PKS still prioritizes the agenda and format of the coalition with NasDem and Democrats.

"PKS is currently focusing on finalizing the format of the coalition with NasDem and Democrats. For PKS, completing the agenda and format of the coalition between PKS, Nasdem, the Democratic Party is our priority at this time," he said.

Nevertheless, Kholid said exploring communication with fellow parties was a natural thing. Between parties try to see common ground is common.