It Turned Out That Many Residents And Firefighters Were Injured When A Fire Broke Out In Menteng, Central Jakarta.

JAKARTA - Head of the Menteng District Health Center, Rusmala Dewi, said that her party had provided a number of medicines to refugees who were victims of fires in the Pegangsaan area, Menteng. Types of drugs sent such as Analgesik, Antasida, Antihipertension and other types of drugs.

"We also sent doctors and nurses to the location of the fire," he said when confirmed, Wednesday, September 28.

From the results of the examination by the Puskesmas officers, continued Dewi, there were 10 residents who were undergoing treatment as a result of the fire accident. Some residents suffered burns 17 percent, were referred to Yarsi Hospital, one torn wound on the forehead and one firefighter suffered a nail stab wound.

"All those handled by the health center have been treated for outpatient treatment," he said.

Meanwhile, for the help of blankets and fast food, the fire victims have received assistance from the Central Jakarta Social Service. Assistance was given to fire victims in the Jalan Cikini Kramat area, RT 04/01, Menteng.

"We have distributed food and logistics assistance to fire refugees in Cikini," said Head of the Central Jakarta Social Sub-dept., Abdul Salam.

Abdul said the assistance provided was in the form of blankets, clothes, pampers, towels and toiletries. Meanwhile, 500 foods were prepared for the refugees in the morning, afternoon and evening.

"Yesterday we sent 500 food, today, morning, afternoon, afternoon only 300," he said.