Know 5 Types Of Business Groups And Their Characteristics

YOGYAKARTA Business group is a business run by several people or groups together. There are several types of group businesses, ranging from CV to cooperatives.

As the name implies, the capital for the group's business comes from a joint venture and the profits are divided into a profit-sharing system for the mutual agreement.

5 Types Of Business Groups And Characteristics

Please note, the group business has active members and passive members. This membership is referred to as the company structure and works according to their respective duties.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Monday, September 26, 2022, the following are the group's types of businesses and their characteristics.

1. Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) or Limited Fellowship

The first type of group business is limited fellowship or CV. This type of business was founded by one entrepreneur or more. The capital can come from one person or several investors.

The characteristics of CV include:

2. Firm company

The firm company is a business entity built by several people using the same name to use together.

Each member of the firm has the same rights in charge of the firm and if there is a risk for the actions of one of the members, the losses will be borne together.

The firm's company is divided into four kinds, namely:

The characteristics of the firm company are:

3. Limited Company (PT)

What is meant by a limited company is a large business entity and is regulated in accordance with the state law in the company.

In Indonesia, a limited liability company is regulated in Law no. 40/2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies. In the law, PT is a legal entity with a capital determination and was established under an agreement.

The company's characteristics are limited, among others:

4. State-Owned Enterprises

SOEs are businesses whose capital comes from the State. In Indonesia, SOEs are divided into several types such as the Javanese Company (Perun), the General Company (Perum) and the Company Company (POS).

The characteristics of SOEs are as follows:

5. Cooperative

Cooperatives are business entities formed to prosper and assist cooperative members.

Cooperatives are carried out based on the principle of kinship. The cooperative aims to meet the economic needs of cooperative members and is a type of group business in the economic sector.

There are several types of cooperatives that have been recognized in the country, namely Savings and Loans Cooperatives, Production Cooperatives, Consumption Cooperatives, Jasa Cooperatives, and Multi-Business Cooperatives.

The characteristics of cooperatives are as follows:

That's information about the type of group business and its characteristics. Are you interested in establishing a group business?