Democrat Akhyar Nasution Worried About Money Politics Attacks, Urges KPK To Supervise Pilkada Medan

MEDAN - The head of the Medan City Democrat Party faction, Burhanuddin Sitepu, asked the KPK to closely monitor the running of the Medan Pilkada. The Democrat who carries the candidate pair number 1 Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi wants the Medan Pilkada to run clean, honest and fair

The supervision of the KPK is considered very important so that Medan residents are not treated to distributing basic necessities and money, which are feared to be massive ahead of the Medan regional election on December 9.

KPK Deputy Chairman Lili Pintauli Siregar some time ago in a webinar emphasized to the Medan Pilkada candidate pairs not to do money politics to get support from the public.

Lili Pintauli at that time said that the KPK together with the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) would exercise tight control over the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.

"I collect the promise of the deputy chairman of the KPK, Mrs. Lili Pintauli. Where is the tight control? The public in Medan is already doubting the neutrality and even the integrity of Bawaslu. What about Bawaslu's control? Don't come near the day of December 9th, the dawn attack will be free," said Burhanuddin. Sitepu in written statement, Saturday, November 28.

Burhanuddin assessed that the KPK's strict control must be stated openly so that the Medan people are not trapped in money politics, including the dawn attack.

"I say the presence of the KPK is very urgent because the Medan Pilkada this time is already under the shadow of the dawn attack. How many tens of billions or hundreds of billions of money have been devoted to activities that damage our democracy. That's why the KPK according to its promise must exercise tight control," said Burhanuddin. .

The direct supervision of the KPK is said by Democrats to be carried out as soon as possible. According to him, the Medan Pilkada is in the spotlight because President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son-in-law Bobby Nasution is also a candidate pair. According to Burhanuddin, Medan residents could no longer worry if the KPK intervened to oversee the Medan Pilkada.