Jokowi Appointed Makarim Wibisono As Head Of The Task Force For The Settlement Of Cases Of Gross Human Rights Violations

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo appointed Makarim Wibisono as the chief executive of the team tasked with resolving cases of gross human rights violations.This is stated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 17 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of a Non-Judicial Completion Team for Violations of Human Rights that are Heavy in the Past."Forcing the Non-Judicial Settlement Team for Violations of Human Rights that are Heavy in the Past, hereinafter in the Presidential Decree, the PPHAM Team is called. The PPHAM team is based under and responsible to the President," Jokowi wrote in the Presidential Decree, quoted Wednesday, September 21.Jokowi also appointed a number of names as members of the PPHAM Implementation Team chaired by Makarim Wibisono. Among them were Ifdhal Kasim, Suparman Marzuki, Apolo Safanpo, Mustafa Abubakar, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, As'ad Said Ali, Kiki Syahnakri, Zainal Arifin Mochtar, Akhmad Muzakki, Komaruddin Hidayat, and Rahayu.The PPHAM team also has a steering team carried out by a number of ministers and officials at their level, namely the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Social Affairs, and the Presidential Chief of Staff.Jokowi gave a number of assignments to the PPHAM Team, namely:a. Disclosure and non-judicial settlement of past gross human rights violations based on data and recommendations set by the National Human Rights Commission until 2O2O;b. recommend recovery for the victim or his family; andc. recommends that steps to prevent gross human rights violations do not happen again in the future.Then, recommendations for recovery for victims or their families can be in the form ofa. physical rehabilitation;b. social assistance;c. health insurance;d. scholarships; and/ore. another record for the benefit of the victim orhis family.As is known, Komnas HAM recorded that there were still 12 cases of past gross human rights violations that had not yet been resolved. These cases are Trisakti, Semanggi I, and Semanggi II; Wasior 2001-2002; Wamena 2003; the 1997-1998 forced disappearance of people; Talangsari 1989; 2001-1966 incident; 1982-1985 mysterious shooting; Jambo Keupok 2003; intersection of KKA Aceh 1999; Rumoh Geudong and the 1989 Aceh Sattis post; the murder of the 1998-1999 santet shaman; and the 2014 Paniai case.