Study Findings, Potential Milk Products Help Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risks

YOGYAKARTA For people with a dairy product allergy, of course, the benefits based on the findings of this latest study do not apply. Especially for people with lactose intolerance. But these latest findings can be a reference for those of you who want to live a healthy life and are far from the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

According to data reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), about 90-95 percent of all cases of diabetes diagnosed are type 2 diabetes. The number of people with type 2 diabetes encourages research on lifestyles that help recommend anything that can reduce the risk of developing this disease. One of them is meta-analytical research that connects low-fat dairy products with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

This study attributes consumption of red meat and refined meat to a greater risk of type 2 diabetes than egg and fish consumption. Launching Medical News Today, Wednesday, September 21, another expert said that type 2 diabetes may be a two-way reaction to diet and lifestyle.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. Develop when the body is resistant to insulin produced by the pancreas or when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. While insulin function plays a very important role in regulating blood glucose levels. Worse yet, diabetes can increase the risk of health complications, including cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, stroke, blindness, and circulatory problems.

A recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, showed that certain foods can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. A researcher, Annalisa Giosuomeo, Ph.D., from the Clinical Department of Medicine, explored the relationship between animal foods and their influenced conditions.

Giosunne presented his findings this month, September, at the European Association for The Study of Diabetes. From his research, he recommended preventing type 2 diabetes with a measurable diet of animal products.

Based on medical searches with meta-analysis, it provides estimates on how 12 different animal foods can increase or lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. These foods include all meat, red meat, white meat, processed meat, total milk, milk full of fat, low-fat milk, fish, milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs.

The daily consumption of 100 grams of all types of meat, is associated with a 20 percent higher risk. Meanwhile, consumption of red meat can increase by more, which is 22 percent. Half daily consumption with refined meat, such as deli meat, rusin, and sausages, may contribute to an increase in risk of 30 percent.

In red and refined meats, explained Giosunne, it contains saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and animal iron which are known to increase chronic subclinical inflammation. In addition, it can also damage insulin sensitivity so as to reduce glycemic levels.

On the other hand, white meat including chicken and turkey, consumption of 50 grams is only a 4 percent risk. Giosuome believes that this is because white meat is lower in fat. He added, consumption of 200 grams of dairy products is associated with 10 lower risk of type 2 diabetes and 100 grams of yogurt correlated with 6 percent lower risk. If you consume a cup of milk and low-fat yogurt, it is associated with a decrease of 5 percent and 3 percent.

Milk and yogurt are also probiotics that help keep weight stable. According to recommendations from the research conducted by Giosuronne and the team, following the Mediterranean diet feature is best suited to prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes. The diet is the main consumption of plant-based foods but in a limited measure it can consume fresh animal foods or not processed.