Having Waste and Waste Management Solutions, Semen Indonesia Helps Prevent Greenhouse Gas Release 215,961 Tons CO2e

JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) continues to encourage the achievement of sustainable development goals or SDGs through its business unit that provides sustainable waste and waste management solutions for the industrial sector and local government, Nathabumi.

The business unit has the first Ozone Depleting Substances (BPO) destruction facility in Southeast Asia.

SIG Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni, said Nathabumi received Ozone Depleting Material (BPO) waste in the form of liquid or gas which would then be destroyed in a cement kiln with a temperature of up to 1,500 degrees Celsius in a stable manner.

"Nathabumi has helped more than 600 companies in Indonesia to manage waste and contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. This collaboration will continue to be enhanced as a joint effort to protect the earth and protect the ozone layer", said Vita in a statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 20.

Vita said that the process of destroying ODS by Nathabumi was carried out using safe and environmentally friendly technology and was approved by the Montreal Protocol.

From 2007 to 2022, Nathabumi destroyed 100.15 tons of ODS which could damage the ozone layer or have helped prevent the release of greenhouse gases equivalent to 215,961 tons of CO2e.

"Through the BPO destruction facility operated by Nathabumi, the company takes part in efforts to protect the ozone layer and minimize the impact of global warming to create a sustainable life for future generations", said Vita.

Nathabumi itself provides waste and waste analysis services, waste packaging and transportation, waste preparation and co-processing, waste utilization, waste management training as well as waste mapping and consulting services.

Certified to handle B3 waste in the form of liquid, solid or gas using the co-processing method, Nathabumi utilizes high temperatures in a cement kiln to destroy waste without leaving any residue.

The depletion of the ozone layer causes an increase in solar ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B which is able to reach the earth's surface. From the data and observations of the condition of ozone in the atmosphere, the condition of the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger and is very concerning.

A report by scientists from the European Union's Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service in September 2021 said the ozone hole that forms every year in the South Pole region is now bigger than Antarctica.

One of the main factors that harm the ozone layer is Ozone Depleting Substances (BPO) caused by the release of refrigerant into the air from equipment such as air conditioners.

Environmental management efforts are now increasingly urgent. The government, community, and business actors work hand in hand to face these problems.