A Star Trek Star Story Whose Father Kicked Out When He Claimed To Be Gay

JAKARTA - Wilson Cruz reveals a long story before his acting career exploded. His father had kicked out on Christmas Eve for claiming to be gay.

The Star Trek: Discovery actor talks about his bitter experiences in the podcast At Home with the Creative Coalition.

He recalls landing a role as a young gay character in the 1994 teen sitcom, My So-Called Life. This was before Cruz confessed to being a gay lover to his parents.

“I revealed my sexual orientation to my circle of close friends, with my youngest brother… in my circle, I revealed it to everyone, but I didn't reveal it to my parents. I think my parents were basically the last to know, "said Cruz.

“So I haven't told them yet, so I was cast in My So-Called Life. I still haven't told them. "

Cruz explained that the offer from the sitcom was not immediately taken and there was a full year before production began.

"When we finally got to filming, I realized that was when I had to tell my family."

Cruz added that when he told his mother, the mother was fine. But when Christmas Eve came and his father asked him why Cruz didn't bring a woman, that's where the problem arose.

"I brought my best friend from high school, a man. There, in the bathroom on Christmas Eve, my father asked (about the man) and I answered honestly (that he was my lover), and he kicked me out of the house."

Cruz stayed in his car for three months. He also sometimes stays at friends' houses before reconciling with his father after he saw an episode of My So-Called Life.