Tugas Timsus Perlindungan Data Pribadi, Untuk Selangan Bjorka

YOGYAKARTA - Who doesn't know Bjorka? This name often appears on social media, is he a new artist who is on the rise? No, he was the one Indonesian who made a scene for stealing Indonesian people's data. Then what is the task of the Personal Data Protection Team, why did it break into?

Responding to this, the Indonesian government compiled the Special Team of the Data Protection Task Force (Satgas) to protect and secure data from various leak threats.

In a press conference, Wednesday (14/9/2022), Coordinating Minister for Political, Rules and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD introduced that the preparation of this task force had been through negotiations of various parties.

"In line with the leaking of data that was widely carried out by Bjorka, we, together with the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Jhonny G. Plate, Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Budi Gunawan, Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Hinsa Siburian, and National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo agreed to form a task force," said Mahfud.

He explained that the preparation of the task force was based on two things. The first is to build a more sophisticated cyber security method, and the second is a mandate from the Personal Data Protection Act which will be inaugurated by the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Mahfud even said the Personal Data Protection Bill at this time had gone through a level I discussion in the DPR. With that kind of thing, just living through level two, he also said that there would be no discussion of substance at the plenary session. With the establishment of the Data Protection Task Force, Mahfud appealed to the public not to panic. Especially the data leaked by Bjorka, he also thinks, is only general data, not confidential.

In fact, said Mahfud, the motive for the hack by Bjorka was not a dangerous motive, but a motive that combines political, economic and buying and selling problems. He emphasized that he would seriously handle this issue. Previously, Bjorka was in the spotlight of the Indonesian people because it had confused up a series of data managed by many companies, including state-owned red plate companies.

The name Bjorka first emerged after leaking data belonging to the State Electricity Company (PLN), IndiHome, the General Elections Commission, to 1.3 billion SIM card registrant data. He became increasingly famous after gaining the gender of war with the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo). The rivalry between Bjorka and Kominfo began when Kominfo firmly asked Bjorka to stop his action. At that time Bjorka even gave scathing comments through the hacker website BreachForums by calling Kominfo▁lepas.

Bjorka became increasingly violent in attacking the Government after obtaining support from Indonesian netizens for the actions he carried out. Some officials were even targeted, including the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, whom he said was insensitive to public protests regarding the increase in fuel.

Anyone Who Must Protect Personal Data in a Digital Room

In this digital era, each user's personal data is collected by various parties as an identity. The importance of protecting personal data needs to be realized by four parties.

"If the question is who should protect our personal data, there are at least four parties. Namely the government, data controllers/processers, data owners, and law enforcement," said Director General of Informatics Applications, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, during the Webinar on Personal Data in the Era of Digitalization Who Protects, Tuesday (28/07/2020).

According to the Director General of Semuel, the government as a regulator has two main functions in terms of protecting the personal data of its citizens. The first function is to provide a regulatory umbrella that controls the protection of personal data. Despite the second function, the government carries out supervision in the use of the regulation.

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