Looking For The Cause Of Spotted Faces - Small White Spots And Easy Ways

YOGYAKARTA Although it often happens, not everyone knows the cause of white small spots that interfere with appearance and beauty. The appearance of these spots usually occurs in the lower areas of the eyes, upper cheeks, and chins.

The small spots are with millennials. Not only happened to adults, but millennials are also experienced by babies. No need to worry about these conditions because millennials can be treated. But you are advised to find out the cause of the appearance of millennials in the face.

Quoted from various sources, the appearance of millennials can occur due to several causes. Naturally, millennials usually occur due to buildup or fragments of dead skin that fail to peel, but are stacked and harden under the new skin. The firming forms a climate.

Apart from the hardening of dead skin cells, millennials can also be triggered by injuries, rashes, or exposure to excessive sunlight.

Although not dangerous, the appearance of millennials is often complained about disturbing appearances. In addition, the appearance of millennials also makes the application of makeup on the face less than optimal.

To get rid of milia, you can do some easy tips and can be tried at home below.

The appearance of milia is exacerbated due to dirty facial conditions. Therefore, you must be diligent in washing your face to prevent and eliminate milia. You can use face wash, especially after you are outdoor activities.

Tips to eliminate the next milia are to use warm water vapor to open the pores of facial skin. That way the dirt trapped in the skin will be easily lifted.

This method is also quite effective in treating millennials, namely using retinoid creams that function to make dead skin cells while at the same time stimulating new skin growth. The vitamin content in the retinoid kri also helps the health and beauty of the skin.

Use facial skin care products that contain salicylic acid. The content is useful for accelerating exfoliation of dead skin and slowly eroding the millennial lining. The use of silicylic acid is usually done at night.

Using a mask made of honey also helps nourish the skin and removes millennials. As is known, honey is antimicrobial in nature that helps stellilization of microbes in the facial skin and nourishes the skin, so that the detoxization process occurs more quickly.

Billionaires also occur due to inflammation caused by excessive sun exposure. When you are doing activities outdoors, try to apply sunscreen on your face so that your skin is not irritated. The use of sunscreen is done to prevent and reduce millennials in the face.

Facial exfoliation is the exfoliation of dead skin which is usually done on the face. This process can be done by gently rubbing skin scrubs on the part where there are millennials. You are advised to choose the right scrub, either manufacturer products or natural ingredients.

You can also do face counseling with skincare products that contain salicylic acid or glycolic acid. You are also advised to do it regularly so that the results obtained are maximized.

Those are some information related to the causes of small spots or millennials. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.