Tides Are The Cause Of Inundation Of North Jakarta

JAKARTA - This morning, a number of points in Jakarta were flooded. North Jakarta is the area with the most points and the highest inundation.

North Jakarta Mayor Sigit Wijatmoko explained that the cause of the large amount of inundation in North Jakarta was the rising sea water. Based on BMKG data, the tides will last for the next 2 days.

"(The height of the inundation) depends on the sea level conditions. It was experienced on January 1 yesterday, the receding speed was much faster because at that time the sea was receding," said Sigit at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 24.

Currently, the North Jakarta Water Resources Agency has not drained the puddles on the road leading to the river or the dam leading to the sea. This is because water extraction will not be effective because it will return to its original place.

"That's why, we hold it for a while and then we pump it slowly," he said.

Therefore, the temporary measure taken is to dispose of water into empty land or TPU areas that have not been used for water storage, such as in the areas of Kebantenan, Marunda, Rorotan, and Semper Timur.

"So, we are puddling into open areas with few inhabitants which might become places for temporary water distortion," concluded Sigit.

Based on data from the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) at 12.00 WIB, there are 28 puddles in North Jakarta, the highest being on the HBR Motik Pademangan Timur road and the Marlina Penjaringan street with water levels reaching 50 cm.

Then, roads with water levels reaching 30 cm are on the Begog River Transition road, the Dewa Kembar Complex road, the Pedongkelan road, the Bulak Cabe road, the Yos Sudarso road, and the Boulevard Artha Gading road, the West Sunter Lake road, and the Gunung Sahari road.

Meanwhile, inundation reaches 25 cm on the Kampung Sawah road, the South side of the Marunda Arterial road, the Gedong Panjang road, the Parang Tritis Raya road, the Wacung road, and the Kenanga road.

In puddles with a water level of up to 15 cm are on Madya Kebantenan Street, Madya Semper Street, Cilincing Bhakti Street, Bhakti Street, Cilincing Lama Street, Cilincing Baru Street, Pluit Sakti Street, Agung Karya VI Street, Gaya Motor Raya Street, and Griya Street Great.