This Is The New Grab Indonesia Tariff After The Increase In Fuel Prices

JAKARTA - Grab Indonesia made tariff adjustments as a follow-up to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KP 667 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculation of Services Fees for the Use of Motorcycles Using for the Interest of the Community Implemented with Applications.
The increase in Grab's online transportation rates was carried out after the increase in fuel prices (BBM).
Then, for the welfare of the driver-partners amid the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM), and maintaining the stability of market demand for Grab services.
"This is a form of Grab's support for our loyal consumers while ensuring the sustainability of income for driver-partners in the midst of conditions that are full of changes like today," said Country Managing Director of Grab Indonesia Neneng Goenadi in a statement, Sunday, September 11.
The new rates for GrabBike services are as follows:
1. Region Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek)- The basic tariff is at least (0-4 kilometers) IDR 10,200-IDR 11,200- Tariff per kilometer IDR 2,550-IDR 2,800
2. Sumatra, Bali and Java apart from Jabodetabek- The basic tariff is at least (0-4 kilometers) Rp. 8,000-Rp. 10,000)- Tariff per kilometer of Rp. 2,000 - Rp. 2,500
3. Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and its surroundings, Maluku, and Papua- The minimum basic tariff (0-4 kilometers) is IDR 9,200-IDR 11,000- Tariff per kilometer IDR 2,300-2,750
In addition, Grab has also increased GrabCar, GrabExpress, and GrabFood rates to assist driver-partners in dealing with the impact of rising fuel prices. However, tariff increases can vary in each city. Here are the details:
1. Grabcar- The increase in the minimum basic tariff is up to Rp. 2,000- Percentase increase in tariffs per kilometer to 10 percent
2. GrabExpress- The increase in basic minimum tariffs to IDR 1,000- Percentase tariff increase per kilometer to 6 percent
3. GrabFood- The increase in basic minimum tariffs is up to IDR 1,000- The percentage increase in tariffs per kilometer is up to 7 percent