Session Of The Ex-Wadirkrimum Polda Metro Violation Code Of Ethics Presents LPSK Witnesses

JAKARTA - The National Police presented 13 witnesses in the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial against the former Deputy Director of General Crimes (Wadirkrimum) of the Metro Jaya Police, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, on Friday 9 September.

Of the 13 witnesses examined, one witness is a member of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

"Then later there will also be LPSK who will be questioned as a witness," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Friday, September 9.

The witness from LPSK is said to have the initials ML and YM. Meanwhile, the rest are members of the National Police.

The KKEP trial against AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian was due to his involvement in the vortex of the Brigadier J case. It was stated that he was unprofessional in handling two police reports (LP) regarding the alleged threat of murder and harassment.

The two reports were made by Brigadier Martin total and Putri Chandrawathi. The reported party, none other than Brigadier J.

"There are 2 police reports, one police report related to threats or attempted murder and sexual harassment. Regarding the two prisons, yes," said Dedi.

With this role, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian is also strongly suspected of committing a serious ethical violation. Later, the panel of judges at the KKEP trial will determine the sanctions that will be given to him.

"If it's heavy, it means being active (involved, ed)," said Dedi.

Meanwhile, the head of the LPSK Institute, Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, said that Jerry Raymond Siagian was a figure who urged his party to protect Putri Candrawati.

The pressure was made by the middle officer when LPSK complied with the invitation from the General Criminal Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police.

In addition, Jerry also directed protection for Putri to the participants at the meeting.