Makassar Pilkada Debate: DILAN's Compact Poem. Appi-Rahman Offends Danny Pomanto

JAKARTA - The contest on programs was filled with innuendos between candidate pairs to color the second Makassar Pilkada debate. The debate for the four pairs of candidates for the Makassar Pilkada was closed with promises, rhymes, although there were also those who continued to sneak insults against their competitors.

Candidate pair number 1 Moh Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi emphasized the program for Makassar City residents according to the acronym ADAMA.

"My brothers and sisters, residents of Makassar City, Mr. Danny and I would like to thank you for your togetherness and support. In accordance with our theme tonight, God willing, we will manage Makassar City with ADAMA principles, "said the candidate for deputy mayor of Makassar Fatmawati closing the Makassar Pilkada debate broadcast on Youtube KPU Makassar, Tuesday, November 24.

A is mandate and anti-corruption for bureaucratic reform. D for close and reliable for public services. Then A is safe and comfortable for urban planning, and MA means independent and stable for the economy.

"Danny-Fatma presented evidence and offered a program not a promise because one piece of evidence is better than a thousand promises," said Fatmawati Rusdi.

Candidate for mayor Danny Pomanto added Fatmawati's statement. ADAMA's vision and mission is part of the Law.

"No vision and mission is nonsense," he said.

Meanwhile the candidate pair number 2 Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) emphasized the promise to create calm, comfort and certainty in the career path of Makassar bureaucrats.

"God willing, there will be no more inauguration decree canceled by the competent agency because it was not procedural and was carried out arbitrarily so that what happened was what happened to me being returned to my position along with 1,228 other officials. We will become servants who are sincere, humanist and straightforward to serve the people of Makassar, ”said the candidate for deputy mayor of Makassar Abdul Rahman Bando.

Meanwhile, the candidate for mayor of Appi said the promise to be a shady tree that covers all the interests of Makassar City residents without exception.

"Making Makassar rise again into a reckoned area in Indonesia and even in the world," said Appi.

It was the turn for candidate pair number 3, Syamsu Rizal (Deng Ical) -Fadli Ananda (DILAN), who came back together again. Sharing roles to deliver the closing statement, DILAN promises the progress of Makassar City.

"The best humans are the people who provide the most benefits. Everyone in Makassar has the potential to advance Makassar, from Arung Teko, Sudiang to Sumanna in Barombong, Romang Tangaya in Manggala to Langkai, Sangkarrang, can potentially participate. We will all be witnesses, ”said Deng Ical.

The two of them also compactly explained the acronym for DILAN, namely D, Deng Ical-Dokter Fadli will always be united in government. I, God willing, Makassar, the city of Sombere will come true.

L is working directly from the alley (alley, red), island, village and sub-district. A for trust and guaranteed not to be stiff, let alone style like a boss.

"N 'nassami anyway' (it's clear, red) number 3 choose all of them," said Deng Ical.

After that DILAN recited the rhyme.

Eat coto, konro and pallu basa

Betta fish, bitte fish

Makassar can certainly serve

Because there are ji ki all paraikattes (because everyone is present together in togetherness, red)

Finally, candidate pair number 4 Irman Yasin Limpo-Andi Zunnun Armin Nurdin Halid emphasized that the program presented in the Makassar Pilkada debate should not be just jargon.

"We are ending this second debate, but there is still a question, are we who are debating capable of not only jargon? Or is it just a play or a facilitation? We must re-analyze this in terms of let's improve the resources of our apparatus and society. Let's fix our systems, let's fix our institutions. With that, of course, we must present a leader who is able to understand these three things. We present Irman Yasin Limpo-Andi Zunnun number 4 for the Makassar Pilwali, ”said Irman who is familiarly called None Limpo.