Teach Children To Discipline, Avoid Doing These 6 Mistakes

YOGYAKARTA Teaching children to be disciplined and follow the rules that have been agreed, may not be easy. You as a parent need high level consistency and patience. Because it's not easy, parents often forget things that really don't need to be done. This mistake also plays a role in thwarting your mission to make your baby more disciplined. What shouldn't be done? Here's what needs to be noted.

Encourage other children to run to the streets, or other harmful behaviors need to be addressed immediately. But avoid disciplining children in front of other organizations. When you do that, according to left-handed Reischer, Ph.D., as reported by Parents, Thursday, September 8, they may be more focused on who hears the conversation than hear your sentence.

To discipline children, find a place to chat calmly. Talk about what the children have just done. If you don't find a room to talk privately, show them a short place for bad behavior and tell them to discuss it later at home.

You may have said hundreds of times not to throw jackets on the floor. But maybe the kids did it because they didn't really understand what you were asking them for. Larissa Niec's advice, Ph.D., director of the Center for Children, Families and Communities at Michigan University, make as specific directions as possible. Tell them what to do instead of instructing what not to do.

Giving gifts to children is not right in the moment, the effect can be bad. Parents are often tempted to give gifts so that children do the rules that have been agreed upon. This strategy may be successful, but not sustainable. You see, this is classified as bribing or giving compensation for children's poor behavior.

When panicked, parents tend to scream at their children. Especially when children's behavior is considered dangerous or undisciplined. Please note that venting anger and screams on children will not overcome teledory. Try to express it in a calm tone and explain and include the consequences of children's problematic behavior.

For parents, it is important to recognize things that can be ignored. Things that are not important, don't need to be put in the heart. You also don't need to blame yourself if your children are not disciplined. To overcome this, try giving hugs or kisses. After that, tell your children what they need to do according to the rules.

The punishment must be proportional to the mistakes made, said Reucher. To prevent irrational punishments, make house regulations where you explain the previous logical consequences. For example, tell your child so they have to wash their own food plates before watching television shows.