Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks For Indonesian Education To Be Affected By Violence

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin asked for violence in the world of education, both in schools and Islamic boarding schools to be stopped immediately.

"The vice president gave one direction so that there should be no more violence in educational institutions, whether it's pesantren, other boarding educational institutions, and religious backgrounds or not," said Spokesperson for the Vice President, Masduki Baidlowi in Palembang, South Sumatra, Wednesday 7 September.

The Vice President's statement, said Masduki, responded to the news of the death of a student from the Modern Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Gontor 1 in Ponorogo, East Java due to acts of violence.

According to Masduki, the Vice President emphasized that whatever the reason and motive, acts of violence in the world of education are not appropriate, including a form of punishment in the form of physical violence.

"We take lessons. Other educational institutions should not happen like that again. Because this is a row, yes, there are many incidents (violence) like that, it has also happened in state educational institutions (such as) Interior Education Institutes, then where else, where else else, there are many incidents like that caused by processes related to physical training for a student, for example," he explained as quoted from Antara.

Regarding the incident in Gontor, said Masduki, the Vice President hopes that the case will be resolved immediately and Gontor as an educational institution that has a good reputation can continue to run as it should, as well as take lessons so that similar incidents do not happen again.

"Make sure that the teaching and learning process in Gontor is not disturbed by this case. The case is being handled properly by the police and Gontor management is also very open and well cooperates for the examination process, there are several witnesses and so on," said Masduki.

The Vice President said that the government has actually published various guidelines and rules so that acts of violence in the world of education do not repeat itself.

"But indeed, sometimes there are kinds of excesses that cannot be generalized, but they are kasuistic and we really have to take lessons so that things like that don't happen again in other educational institutions," he explained.