Cerita Warga Cisoka Saat Access Jalan Cisoka- Tigaraksa Banjir 60 Sentimeter, Dan Never Ada Solusi

TANGERANG - The access road to Cisoka to Tigaraksa or to be precise on Jalan Raya Jeungjing, Tangerang Regency was cut off. This happened because the area was flooded as high as 60 centimeters. According to information, flooding in that location often occurs but there is no handling from the local city government. Residents also surrendered because they did not feel they were victims.

The commander of the Cisoka Fire Station, Samhani, said the flood incident occurred on Tuesday, September 6, at 23.30 WIB.

Approximately 60 centimeters, that's the direction of Jalan Raya Cisoka-3raksa. If it can be passed, it can be done. Only if you are forced to worry about a strike," said Samhani when confirmed, Wednesday, September 7.

Samhani explained that the roads are often hit by floods. This happens because the area is low, so that when it rains with high intensity that hit the area, flooding will occur.

So if there is rain with a fairly high volume, sometimes it happens like that (floods). Because it is close to the Cimanceri River, when it overflows it goes to the road," he said.

"But the flooding is not long enough, when up to half an hour it has receded," he continued.

He also ensured that the flooding that hit the area did not have an impact on residential areas.

"Just walking, if there are no affected houses," he said.

Until now, the access road to Cisoka to Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency has been passed by vehicles because the water has receded.

"It was (crossed), I checked past. Earlier, checking the location, it was receded, it was normal. Two or four-wheeled vehicles can pass," he concluded.

There is no flood handling from the local government service. In fact, residents said that flooding in their area often occurs when hit by heavy rains.

"Yes (It's just being left behind), because the residents are not affected. There is no (special handling), for our handling there is none. Maybe it's the local village that has the authority.