Land Eccession In Park Duren Sawit Housing Ricuh, Residents Fall As A Result Of Pushing Each Other With Officers

JAKARTA - Dozens of residents in Taman Duren Sawit Housing, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta fought back when officers were about to demolish their houses. They do not accept that the houses they have lived in for decades were demolished by officers, Wednesday, September 7, morning.

At least 14 houses will be executed by officers. Residents who did not accept it, fought back until finally there was a riot. Residents and officers pushed each other. As a result, several residents fell.

The building owners refused to demolish their houses because they had occupied them for decades. They even claimed to have a certificate.

It is known that the land execution was carried out after the plaintiff won in court.

According to Yadi, one of the residents who was victims of land execution last year, his party suddenly received a letter requesting land evacuation. Even though he has occupied the land for decades.

"The letter was sent from the East Jakarta District Court (East Jakarta). It turned out that the land owner here previously, we really didn't know and were not involved in the initial case. We together with the residents put up a fight. Residents all have certificates," he told reporters, Wednesday, September 7.

Until now, officers are still negotiating with the owner of the building. However, residents persisted and refused to demolish the house.

"We have complained to Komnas ham, commission III, BPN and others," he said.