Meta Will Launch Latest VR Headset From Project Cambria On October 11

JAKARTA - Meta has announced that the Connect Conference event will be broadcast live on October 11 at 1 pm ET or October 12 12.00 WIB. In a post on the Oculus blog, Meta said it would display the progress it made in the metaverse and offer "see what will come in the near future."

The announcement was unable to measure until Connect last year, in which the company changed its name from Facebook to Meta, but the company said we would look at the information in Horizon Worlds' virtual reality app and hint that the top-class "Project Cambria" headset will also appear.

Last month, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the company announced the new VR headset would launch in October, and on Tuesday, it supports the idea with images it posts to Facebook. The device he is wearing in the photo looks very similar to what we've seen on Project Cambria.

According to Zuckerberg, the headset will include eye and facial tracking as well as color passingthrough, and is rumored to have a higher resolution screen than currently included in the Oculus Quest 2. This is also expected to be significantly more expensive than Quest 2, which recently rose to $399.99.

Last month, Zuckerberg also announced that there would be details about "huge updates to Horizon and avatar graphics" announced at the Connect conference. Horizon Worlds is the company's flagship metaverse app, which allows people to create their own experiences and hang out on virtual reality (similar to programs like VRCT).

Zuckerberg recently posted a screenshot of Horizon which received a lot of ridicule and resulted in a lot of memes, due to his relatively low graphic quality. Meta CEO responded to the meme by promising significant improvements, which we will hear further on October 11.

The company has made a big bet that the metaverse will be the future and spend billions of dollars a year trying to make it happen. The public will see it when Meta releases on the Connect event, as well as trying and convincing the public that it is actually the public's need to pay attention to the metaverse rather than making fun of it.