Press The Impact Inflation Of Rising BBM, Ganjar Pranowo Holds Market Operations In Central Java

JAKARTA - After the increase in fuel oil or fuel in the types of Pertalite and Solar, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo immediately took a series of steps to control inflation.

The inflation is considered as the impact of the recent increase in fuel. Ganjar Pranowo ordered all his staff to go directly to carry out market operations.

Specifically, Ganjar Pranowo asked his staff to carry out this operation directly, without being represented by other staff below him. He asked the city district to directly distribute the harvest to the market so that trade activities continue.

"If necessary, the harvest areas will be immediately distributed to regencies/cities or other provinces that need it so that inter-regional trade can run. We just need everything to go down seriously, if it has gone down, don't represent it again," said Ganjar, Tuesday, September 6.

The provincial government will also open an option to conduct a series of subsidies to the public. Especially in direct-related sectors such as price and transportation subsidies.

The subsidy is planned to be held simultaneously with the operations carried out by its staff. All are intended to reduce the prices of food commodities that cause inflation.

"We have carried out the operation for the government a few months ago. One market operation. Second, how can we provide price and transportation subsidies," added Ganjar Pranowo.