Mahfud MD: Campaign Health Protocol Violations 1,510 Out Of 73,500 Activities

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD stated that the violation of the COVID-19 health protocol in the 2020 simultaneous regional election campaign was 2.2 percent.

"There were 2.2 percent of health protocol violations, out of 73,500 thousand events, there were approximately 1,510 health protocol violations, even minor ones, for example, forgetting to wear a mask, more than two people in the room, and others. , "said Mahfud after chairing the coordination meeting for the analysis and evaluation of the simultaneous regional elections at the Kemenko Polhukam office, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 23.

According to him, until the 59th day of the 2020 Pilkada Serentak campaign, it went well, was safe and under control. Although a number of health protocol violations were found.

Mahfud also explained that a number of cases of violations that were found have been processed.

"Those that have been processed specifically for the Pilkada are 16 criminal acts that are currently in the process of investigation, and also in the judicial process as well. So, don't say that there has been no action. All have been prosecuted, some have violated protocol, some have been warned to change, then some are being prosecuted and so on, "he said.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs reminded that candidate pairs and campaign teams should be orderly in implementing health protocols. If violated, the sanctions given can be disqualified.

"Don't mess with the candidate pairs and the campaign team, because if we violate the health protocol, we will act like the others, even to disqualification, depending on the capacity of the violation," he emphasized.

Mahfud MD asked the community to support the implementation of the Pilkada, because this moment is only once every five years. Each individual can determine their own leader.

"We also ask the public to be given an understanding to participate in the Pilkada, because five years the leader will be determined by their own choice," he said.