Cars Above 1,400 Cc Prohibited Content Of Pertalite, BPH Migas: Wait For Presidential Regulation

JAKARTA - Vehicles with engine capacity above 1,400 cc will be prohibited from refueling the Pertalite type BBM at the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU).

The ban will be contained in the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of BBM.

Member of the BPH Migas Committee, Saleh Abdurrahman, said that the discourse on limiting the consumption of Pertalite type fuel oil (BBM) for cars above 1,400 cc is still waiting for the revision of Presidential Regulation 191/2014.

"We don't know exactly how much the cc (vehicle) will take effect. We are waiting for the presidential regulation," Saleh briefly told VOI, Sunday, September 4.

Meanwhile, the Daily Chairperson of the Indonesian Consumer Foundation (YLKI) Tulus Abadi admitted that he did not agree that vehicles above 1,400 cc were prohibited from consuming Pertalite.

"Maybe it's not impossible, but the allotment. There's a quota," he said.

After the presidential regulation is revised, please Tulus, the government will immediately rearrange the distribution of fuel subsidies.

"I think it's fair, considering that the fuel subsidy is wrong. As energy, fuel subsidies are mandated for the poor, aka the poor," he said.