The Case Of Sexual Harassment By A Tiri Father Against His Children Makes Social Minister Risma Angry

JAKARTA The incident of sexual violence experienced by a minor in Balong Gabus Village, Candi District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, made Social Minister Tri Rismaharini furious. He paid special attention to the case.

"What makes me angry is the victim of a child who is still in elementary school. Meanwhile, the perpetrator is his stepfather and biological mother," said Social Minister Risma, quoting Antara, Sunday, September 4.

Risma admitted that she had met and clarified the victim of the sexual violence case. To Risma, the victim stated that she did not want to meet her parents.

"The victim said that he did not want to meet his parents again because he was very traumatized. Currently, the victim is placed by the police at home safe accompanied by a psychologist to help recover his trauma," said Social Minister Risma accompanied by the Sidoarjo Police Chief Commissioner Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro.

Currently, Risma's Minister of Social Affairs' attention is the continuation of the victim's school because cases of sexual violence greatly affect the victim's mental condition.

Social Minister Risma promised that if later the victim had to change schools, he was ready to process them and place the victim who was still a child in the office belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"There have been reports from assistants regarding the victim's school, which is currently in grade 6 of elementary school. I convey that if they are forced to move later, I will process it and be ready to place it in one of our halls," he said.

Risma looks very angry with the case of sexual violence that befell the elementary school child and will ask President Jokowi so that perpetrators of sexual crimes against children do not get clemency as an effort so that similar crimes do not happen again.

"I emphasize that currently the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence or TPKS is in effect and the threat of punishment is very heavy. In fact, if the perpetrator is by his family or victim of disabilities, the threat will be added by a third," he added.

In his meeting with the victim, Social Minister Risma also provided assistance in the form of daily necessities, such as clothes, school uniforms, bags, shoes, and bicycles as well as food assistance.

In addition, it also places social workers to assist victims in trauma recovery.

Sidoarjo Police Chief Commissioner Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro said that his party was still investigating the motive for the immoral incident and had detained the perpetrators, none other than the victim's parents, namely their stepfather and biological mother.

"We are still investigating this case, including exploring the motive because this is the first time there has been an incident with a child victim and the perpetrator is his own parent," said the Police Chief.