Observers Proposal Of Acting Governor Of DKI From The Internal Ministry Of Home Affairs

JAKARTA - The term of office of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan will soon be completed in October 2022. He will soon be replaced by the Acting Governor who will be appointed by the government until the 2024 Pilkada is over.

Political observers who are also election observers Jerry Sumampouw suggested that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta should be internal from the Ministry of Home Affairs because internal officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs really understand the problems of the regional government. "So, in my opinion, it is very appropriate for the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta to be filled by people from the Ministry of Home Affairs because they understand better the problems in every local government," said Jerry in his statement quoted by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday, September 3. In addition, according to the Coordinator of the Indonesian Electioning Committee, the figure of the Pj. The governor must really understand and have experience in the bureaucracy. With this provision, they can immediately work without having to learn when they receive an assignment. "People who understand the bureaucracy of the local government, they are only the people of the Ministry of Home Affairs. So, when they are trusted to serve as the acting governor of the Ministry of Home Affairs, they can no longer learn anymore, considering the time to become a Pj. The Governor of DKI is only 2 years," said Jerry. On the other hand, Acting Governor of DKI will also face political years when running the wheels of government later. Therefore, Acting Governor of DKI must be a neutral figure and have no political interests ahead of the 2024 General Election and Regional Head Elections. "I think the figure of Pj. The Governor of DKI must be a real person from a pure bureaucracy. Well, the figure is within the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said. Regarding this figure, Jeirry commented on the emergence of the name of the Director General (Dirjen) of Politics and General Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bahtiar, who was considered to be able to occupy the seat of the Pj. Governor of DKI Jakarta. "If I think it is very appropriate for the Ministry of Home Affairs to assign Pak Bahtiar to become a Acting Officer. DKI Governor even though later Mr. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) decides," he said.

The reason, he continued, was that Bahtiar had a lot of achievements and experience in the field of bureaucracy as well as being a Temporary Official (Pjs.) of the Governor of the Riau Islands (Kepri). This is the main capital for Bahtiar to become the right figure to occupy the seat of the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta. Moreover, he said, Jakarta holds the status of the capital city with a heterogenous population so it must really maintain a conducive climate. "Jakarta is the showcase of Indonesia. Well, with its neutral attitude, I think Pak Bahtiar can keep Jakarta city conducive when this nation is celebrating the 2024 democratic party," said Jerry. Meanwhile, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian at the Working Meeting with Commission II of the DPR RI on Wednesday, August 31 said that his party had not yet received input from the names of the candidates for the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta. The Minister of Home Affairs ensured that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta had neutral, professional, and experienced criteria.