17 Ton Of Fuel Police In Samarinda Suspected Of Being Illegal

SAMARINDA - A joint team of the Samarinda City Police and the East Kalimantan Regional Police revealed a storage warehouse for fuel oil (BBM) that was suspected to be illegal and at the same time secured 17 tons of Pertalite and diesel fuel.

"Officers secured 17 tons of Pertalite type fuel which was in a blue tank with a capacity of 16 tons. A 9,700-liter box tank filled with 1,000 liters and two Alkon engines (suction devices)", said Samarinda Police Chief, Commissioner Ary Fadli, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 2nd.

Ary explained that in two days, Wednesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 1, officers secured four crime scenes (TKP), namely two in the Palaran sub-district and two in the jurisdiction of the Samarinda Ulu and Seberang Police.

The disclosure of the case, first on Kebon Agung Street, Palaran on Wednesday, August 31 afternoon around 12.00 WITA by securing one person with the initials PG (38) who is currently being questioned and is still a witness.

Then the second crime scene, on Jalan Simpang Pasir, Simpang Pasir Village, Palaran District. Officers secured a man with the initials AM (30) along with evidence in the form of nine empty 1,000-liter reservoirs, and three empty 200-liter capacity drums.

Alkon machines plus hoses were also secured, eight 25 liter capacity jerry cans containing 200 liters of diesel fuel, one 25 liter capacity jerrycan containing 25 liters of diesel fuel, and two 35 liter capacity jerrycans containing 70 liters of diesel, on Thursday, September 1 morning, at around 11.00 WITA.

The police chief added, for the third crime scene, on Jalan APT Pranoto, Rapak Dalam Village, Loa Janan Ilir District, on Thursday, September 1 afternoon, around 15:00 WITA. Officers managed to secure the man with the initials DR (40) as the owner of the warehouse and are still a witness, along with evidence of 4,500 liters or 4.5 tons of diesel fuel and two units of Alkon used to siphon.

Meanwhile, the fourth crime scene was in the area of Jalan Pangeran Suryanata, Bukit Pinang Village, Samarinda Ulu District on Thursday, September 1 by securing a man with the initials PD (64), the owner who is still in the process of being investigated and also still a witness, at around 20:00 WITA.

The evidence that was secured was one unit of the red Kijang LGX Diesel KT 1494 BG car, 17 jerry cans, and 15 jerry cans including 10 liters of diesel and two 20 liters of diesel.

The police are still searching for the origin of the fuel because when it was secured, it was not caught red-handed. He also said that his party would continue to synergize with Pertamina as an expert witness regarding the disclosure.

"We are investigating whether this fuel comes from gas stations or other sources so that later it can be determined whether it is a subsidy category or not", he said.

Ary said the four people who were detained were still witnesses and were only being asked for information.

"If later the criminal element is included and the elements are fulfilled, we will raise the status as a suspect, related to the Job Creation Act", he explained.

The police chief also appealed to the entire community not to abuse subsidized fuel.