Robbery Suspect In Tambora Sells Stolen Cellphones For IDR 450 Thousand At Roxy, The Money Is To Buy Clothes And Snacks

JAKARTA - The gunman with the initials NR (21) on Jalan Duri Baru, Jembatan Besi, West Jakarta was arrested by the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Perpetrators who do not have a regular job every day, carry a sickle to carry out their actions.

When in action, NR is not alone. NR in action with his partner NS and ABS (DPO). Tambora police chief Kompol Rosana Albertina Labobar said his party arrested NR after several weeks of fleeing to the Bekasi area.

"The role of the NR perpetrator is to threaten the victim with a sickle," said Kompol Rosana, Thursday, September 1.

Meanwhile, continued Rosana, two other perpetrators are still being pursued by the police or on the People's Wanted List (DPO).

"The NS perpetrator took his cellphone and threatened him with a sickle while ABS was riding a motorcycle," he said.

The evidence in the form of a cellphone belonging to the victim was immediately sold by the perpetrator to someone in the Roxy area, Central Jakarta at a price of Rp. 450 thousand. The money from the sale is then divided equally by the perpetrators.

"The suspect NR used the money to buy clothes (t-shirts) and the rest for snacks," he said.

Kompol Rosana said the suspects NS and ABS (DPO) were recidivist or had been imprisoned at the Tambora Sector Police in 2020 and released in 2021. They are recidivists in the same case.

"After leaving the prison, the perpetrator has committed the theft 3 times," he said.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured evidence in the form of a motorbike, a black T-shirt, and a hat that was used by the perpetrator during the action, as well as a cardboard box for mobile phones.

In order to account for his actions, the perpetrator is entangled in Article 365 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison.