Speaking In Front Of Foreign Minister Retno, PDIP Legislators Highlight Papuan Mutilation Cases, Better Than Sambo Events

JAKARTRA - Commission I of the DPR highlighted the case of mutilation of residents in Papua by TNI soldiers during a working meeting with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, September 1.The spotlight was reported by Member of Commission I of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Effendi Simbolon, to the Foreign Minister for fear that the incident would have an impact on the implementation of the G20 in Indonesia.Even according to Effendi, the TNI case mutilating residents in Papua is greater than the premeditated murder case committed by high-ranking police officers to his subordinates."The mutilation case is very serious, we are humiliated, not just the combatant we are hitting, but our civilians are mutilating, and this is greater than the Sambo incident. The army mutilates civilians, ma'am, extraordinary," said Effendi.The PDIP politician then proposed to Commission I of the DPR to form a special team to oversee the case. Effendi emphasized that the case of mutilation in Papua was a violation of human rights."I propose to Commission I that we must form a Timsus, this is a violation of human rights," said Effendi.According to Effendi, cases of mutilation in Papua can also have an impact on group movements in several countries. If that happens, he said, Indonesia could be affected especially ahead of the G20 event."I heard that there is a small, slow movement in Black Caucus that brought this issue. Black Caucus is already quite proven, once they unite, Europe and America and of course Australia and Salon, the Foreign Minister's Mother will be in trouble later, what's more ahead of the G20, ma'am. We want all smooth and well carried out, and the results are going well," said Effendi Simbolon.Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had ordered the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa to help the police uncover the case of soldiers mutilating Papuans. The President wants the case to be thoroughly investigated so that public trust in the TNI does not fade.The President ordered that the police and the TNI work hand in hand to enforce the law against this case."I have ordered the TNI Commander to assist in the legal process which has also been carried out by the police but backed up by the TNI. So that once again the legal process must run so that public trust in the TNI does not fade," Jokowi said as quoted by the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, Wednesday, August 31."Once again, the legal process must run so that public trust in the TNI does not fade," Jokowi emphasized.As is known, six soldiers of the Army (AD) were named suspects in this mutilation case. They come from the Brigif 20/IJK/3 Kostrad unit, consisting of 1 person with the rank of major, 1 person with the rank of captain, 1 person with the rank of preka, and 3 people with the rank of pratu. They have been detained for 20 days, starting from August 28, in the detention room of Subdenpom XVII/C Mimika.The mutilation incident occurred in Pigapu Village, East Mimika District, Mimika Regency, Papua, on the evening of August 22. There are indications that the murder was motivated by the problem of buying and selling weapons. This has also been highlighted by Komnas HAM as a significant issue.