Jokowi Called Work On Handling COVID-19 And Economic Recovery Is Good

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a limited meeting on the performance report of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and the National Economic Advisor together with the ranks of ministries and governors.

In the opening of the closed meeting, Jokowi said that the handling of COVID-19 and the recovery of the economy affected by the pandemic had gradually been good.

"The strategy to regulate the brake and gas balance is starting to show results, especially in controlling COVID-19 and the economy," Jokowi said in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube broadcast on Monday, November 23.

Jokowi said, data on the development of COVID-19 as of November 22 showed that the average active case of COVID-19 in Indonesia was 12.78 percent. This figure is lower than the world average of 28.41 percent.

In addition, the average recovery trend for COVID-19 is also improving, with the current achievement of 84.03 percent. This is also better than the world recovery rate which reached 69.20 percent.

"This is good and we continue to fix it," he said.

In terms of economic recovery, Jokowi said that the trend of economic conditions in the second quarter was minus 5.32. Then, the economy started to improve in the third quarter with minus 3.49.

"We must also continue to improve this so that in the fourth quarter it will be better than the third quarter," said Jokowi.

"With such an achievement, I ask the Committee, Task Force and governors to remain vigilant on the strategy we conveyed from the start. The brakes and gas are really well regulated," he added.